• INRA - 1986-1988

    Saint Pée sur Nivelle - France.


    Fishfarm manager. KERGUELEN Islands, T.A.A.F (French Southern and Antarctic Territories).


    Sea Ranching project for Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) production.

    Smolt production in cage.

  • The experiences that have marked my professional background in fish farming.

    INRA - FRANCE,(September 1986 to July 1988)

    Experimental fish farm on KERGUELEN Islands, T.A.A.F. (French Southern and Antarctic Territories). “Sea ranching” production of Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).


    I have been managing for 15 months an experimental fish farm on Kerguelen Island under the direction of INRA (the french National Institute for Agricultural Research). This farm, located in the south of Indian Ocean, was probably the more remote fish farm in the world (50° South, 70° East). I insured the production of smolts, and was responsible for logistics coordination of the project. I also participated in the assessment of salmon populations in the rivers of the island. Finally I attended to the first returns of salmons, which allowed me carry out the first artificial fertilisation on site.

  • CULTIMAR - 2012

    Ré island - France.


    In the context of restructuration of a sea bass and sea bream fish farm into a pre-fattening oyster (Crassostrea gigas) farm:

    • Technical and economical evaluation of several rearing units.
    • Ergonomic and economic analysis for different systems of shellfish culture in lantern nets.
    • Site survey (17 ha of seawater ponds). Data recording:
      • Topography.
      • Bathymétry.
      • Tides.
  • CULTIMAR - 2012

    Ré island- France.


    Development project for a pre-fattening chanel for 25 M of Oyster seeds T12 - T15:

    • Site selection
    • Manufacture and assembly details.
    • Proposition of lifting solutions.
  • CULTIMAR - 2013

    Ré island - France.


    Design of rearing facilities for pre-fattening of oyster seeds in pond. Capacity of 1500 lantern nets:

    • Design and manufacture.
    • Techno-economic analysis of the different alternatives.
    • Bibliographical summary about longline culture hydrodynamic.
  • CULTIMAR - 2014

    Ré island - France.


    Strategic analysis and development proposal for a pre-fattening oyster farm:

    • SWOT analysis.
    • 5 development alternatives analysis (level of risk, ergonomics and investments).
    • Analysis of the activity and improvement proposal.
  • CULTIMAR - 2014

    Ré island - France.


    Supporting mission to production in a pre-fattening oyster farm:

    • Evaluation of the oyster seeds stock situation.
    • Preparation of short-term workplan.

Over 20 years’ experience and know how in aquaculture to ensure the success of your projects.

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